Bible Studies
Bible Studies
Christian Basics
How to start a Relationship with Jesus
How to Study the Bible
Interpreting the Bible Like Jesus study. Mp3s of Sermon series.
Ephesians 5 - Husbands and Wives
1 Peter 3 - Husbands and Wives
Marriage from the Beginning - Matthew 19:1-12, sermon mp3, April 18, 2021
From “Hello” to “I do” - Scott and Anita Plavnick tell their story of how God brought them together and explain some Bible passages that shaped their relationship. This is the handout, the mp3 of their talk can be found under Various Topics.
Don’t Be Unequally Yoked - 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, sermon mp3, Nov. 24, 2019
From “Hello” to “I do” - Scott and Anita Plavnick tell their story of how God brought them together and explain some Bible passages that shaped their relationship. This is the handout, the mp3 of their talk can be found under Various Topics.
If you think Jesus was just a Great Teacher
Jesus’ Use of the the Term Disciple
18 Prophecies of the Messiah’s Death that Jesus Fulfilled
Various Topics
Law of the Harvest - Galations 6:7-10